Sunday, August 22, 2010

Zero Tolerence at ASA

As I hadn't gotten around to updating our blog, I felt it important to note that we ended up withdrawing Zane from ASA after the 3rd quarter. I felt he (we) were being harassed by the administrators of the school, and they were hell bent on doing everything they could to get us out. (Ex: Zane's behavior agreement had items he would get check marks for such as: running or chasing a pigeon.) Really? After going to the school and witnessing a group of kids playing keep away with a tennis ball, wrestling each other to the ground, and throwing the ball at each other as hard as they could; it was obvious to me we were in a lose-lose situation with this school.

So we obliged - and are much happier for it. It also makes me happy to know he wasn't expelled, though I still haven't gotten to see his school records from ASA.

It's a good thing that the EPA didn't have a Zero Tolerance Policy with regard to asbestos in ASA. Yep. Asbestos in Arizona School for the Arts. The school apparently didn't "know" they were supposed to have an asbestos management plan in place and the school tested positive for asbestos.

Oh lifes little ironies...