Sunday, March 7, 2010

Remembering Josh

I stumbled onto a blog today that made me weep for an hour. As a mother especially, I could connect with this mom and feel her pain and grief penetrate my being.

A year ago, their son Josh took his own life after facing expulsion from his school because of the Zero Tolerance Policy. His mother, a writer, used the blog as a way to work through her own questions/feelings/pain/memories, etc.

It made me think of Zane's tears and frustration. I can imagine how much harder it would be for an older boy. An older boy such as Josh, who was a regular, well-liked, good-looking kid who made a couple of pretty normal teenager mistakes and had his whole life in front of him.

How can we treat our children this way I wonder? Even now, the way Zane is being treated at school is breaking my heart. Where has our compassion gone? How have we stooped to treating our children like just a number? Just a test score? Just a drone who isn't supposed to ask any questions or ever make a mistake? They are kids.

I send virtual love and strength to Josh's family and understand the importance of Remembering Josh.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Zero Tolerance Stories of the Day

Mason Jammer:6-Year-Old Suspended From School for Making Gun With Hand
If this story doesn't make it glaringly apparent the the Zero Tolerance Policies in our kids schools is going WAAAAYYY overboard - I don't know what will... Jeesh.

Zero tolerance for federal mandates